SC.912.L.16.10: Evaluate the impact of biotechnology on the individual, society and the environment, including medical and ethical issues.
What is biotechnology?
As we human beings have increased our understanding of the world around us we have been able to leverage that knowledge to increase our technological capability.
Most people think of biotechnology as something that is used to improve the quality of our food or to create new medical treatments. However, biotechnology also has the potential to impact humans in other ways. For example, biotechnology could be used to create new forms of energy that are cleaner and more efficient than what we currently have. Additionally, biotechnology could be used to create new materials that are stronger and more durable than what we currently have.
PCR stands for Polymerase Chain Reaction, it is a process used to copy/amplify the amount of DNA available to a scientist. This technology has many applications and is often a precursor to more advanced microbiology techniques. Some common applications of PCR is to amplify a small amount of DNA that may be present at a crime scene.

Just a few molecules of DNA present in a blood stain, under a victims fingernails or a small piece of tissue can be amplified and duplicated millions of times over. This allows scientists to have enough of the sample to perform DNA analysis.
For more information about PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) technique please read our detailed article here.
DNA Analysis
Once scientists or lab technicians have enough genetic material to perform multiple tests with they will employ a variety of genetic tests to analysis the DNA. A common form of analysis done is an assay called DNA Gel Electrophoresis, scientists commonly refer to this as “running a gel”. The DNA that is from a “suspect” and the believed DNA of the perpetrator.

The samples are chopped up by DNA enzymes that cut human DNA at specific areas, these fragments are then dyed and loaded into gel squares. Electricity is used to separate the fragments by size, each person will create a distinct series of bands arranged vertically along the gel. This gel is photographed and the bands of each suspect can be compared to the believed DNA of the perpetrator to find who may have committed the crime.
For a more detailed breakdown of DNA Gel Electrophoresis technology check out our article here.
Genetically Modified Organisms
Gene Editing
Scientists have modified the genes of certain crops to increase the nutrient profile of the food produced or allow bacteria to produce useful proteins for pharmaceutical research. This can be achieved due to the universal nature of DNA/RNA. Plasmids which are small circular bits of DNA can easily be inserted into bacterial cells using a process known as “plasmid/gene transfection”. These plasmids will undergo DNA replication, transcription and translation with the rest of the cell’s genetic materials.

The inserted plasmids can be designed for a variety of purposes like; providing proteins needed for antibiotic resistance, creation of simple protein products/enzymes. Gene transfection allows scientist to study the function or effect of individual proteins on the function of a cell and can help scientists to gain large amounts of useful information.
Recombinant DNA
Scientists often take advantage of the simple structure of bacterial chromosomes to mass produce certain desired proteins. Scientists will identify the section of a Eukaryotic chromosome with their “target” gene, insulin for instance. A small bacterial plasmid (vector) will also be cut using (restriction enzymes) leaving the ends open and exposed. The target gene will be inserted and joined with the vector plasmid, creating a new Recombinant plasmid containing the desired “target” gene.

Once the host bacterial cell performs transcription it will convert the target gene into mRNA and eventually synthesize the desired protein. This technique can be used to mass produce many useful eukaryotic proteins and enzymes that are simple in their structure.
For a detailed explanation of transfection and recombinant DNA plasmids please read our article here.

CRISPR-Cas9 is the usage of the Cas-9 enzyme system to cut targeted sections of DNA and knockout or insert new genes into an organisms chromosomes. This is a powerful new technology that has limitless applications a few of them are; treating genetic diseases identified early in embryological development, food and livestock genetic modifications, and the creation of designer organisms.

For a more detailed explanation of CRISPR check out our article here.
Stem Cell Therapies
Stem cells are cells that are undifferentiated and so have not taken on unique characteristics to perform a specific job. Like children, stem cells are full of the potential to become various types of cells, tissues, and organs. In the last few decades scientists have discovered how to provide stem cells with the appropriate chemical signals needed to differentiate them into becoming specific desired tissues and organs. This has given scientists the ability to regrow damaged organs and tissues to heal patients who may have experienced traumatic injuries or sever genetic diseases.

For a more detailed breakdown of stem cells, their history and future applications of the technology please check out our article here.
Cloning is the process creating an exact genetic copy of an existing organism. This is accomplished by removing the nucleus from the somatic cell of organism A and also removing the nucleus from the fertilized zygote of organism B. The nucleus of organism A is inserted into the enucleated cell of organism B’s zygote. If the nucleus is accepted the zygote will begin dividing and replicating until a complete copy of organism “A” is copied. In mammals this process would require a healthy uterus to complete development.

Potential Risks
The potential impacts of biotechnology are vast and varied. Any new technology comes with potential risks as well as benefits. It is important to do our best to mitigate the risks while still taking advantage of the potential benefits that biotechnology can offer.
Transgene Escape
One of the major issues with the genetic modification of organisms is the potential for those genetic changes to spread from the artificial population to the wild type population. If humans genetically modify a species of wheat grass to produce a protein or enzyme that is poisonous to pests like locusts that would enable farmers to mass produce the wheat without fear of hordes of insects destroying their investment.

Once these crops produce sperm containing pollen that gets carried by air currents and pollinators what would prevent them from reproducing with wild whites outside of the farm? Is it even possible to prevent this from happening? Are the GMO’d wheats able to reproduce with other closely related plants in the wild? How would reproducing or “hybridizing” with wild species effect various ecosystems? Would the hybrid organisms outcompete their wild type counterparts? The concept of genes moving from a GMO population to the native or wild populations is called “Transgene Escape” and is a heavily debated topic today.
Bio-ethics are the questioning and exploring of biological and medical research. Someone’s uncle once told them “…with great power comes great responsibility.”. Well, with scientific breakthroughs are not exempt from this mantra. With the ability to grow new organs, genetically modify existing organisms, or create designer organisms it is important to ask ourselves as a species, “What are may be some of the problems that arise from this technology?”. This is where ethics, the branch of ideas that deals with the morals and principals of people comes into play.
Ethical Questions
Below are just a few of the types of ethical dilemmas that arise from our understanding and usage of biotechnology;
- If we are able to grow organs in a lab should we grow full organisms?
- What if these organisms are people, do they have the same rights as a natural born human?
- What kind of limits if any would these modified people have on their ability to participate in the economy?
- Could this technology be used to engineer bio-weapons?
- Can you compete with someone who has had their intelligence genes enhanced?

These are some difficult questions for scientist and policy makers to answer, the answer is “we don’t know”. If properly managed and designed we can prevent transgene escape from occurring and use the Biotechnologies like GMOs to its full potential.